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e.g. Acura CL 2002 or NavRGB HA12
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Forward Facing Curb Alert Camera
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NavTool Forward Facing Camera
A front camera (also called forward facing camera) is a special type of video camera that is produced specifically for the purpose of being attached to the front of a vehicle to aid in parking, and to alleviate the front blind spot. Front cameras are alternatively known as 'forward cameras' or 'rear view cameras'. It is specifically designed to avoid a Backup collision.
Front cameras are usually connected to the vehicle head unit display.
The design of a front camera is distinct from other cameras in that the image is not horizontally flipped so that the output is a normal image. This is necessary because the camera and the driver face same directions, and without it, the camera's right would be on the driver's left and vice versa.A front camera typically supports a wide-angle or fisheye lens. While such a lens spoils the camera's ability to see faraway objects, it allows the camera to see an uninterrupted horizontal path from one front corner to the other. The camera is typically pointed on a downward angle, to view potential obstacles on the ground as well as the position of approaching walls and docks, rather than straight forward.
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